Friday, September 22, 2006

i tried so hard...

i honestly tried so hard- i used to like this girl as a person. but i didn't know her so well then. man, she is such a pest. i wrote this poem when she first started to annoy me, but then decided she deserved another chance. after all, everyone is entitled to a second chance. so she got a second. and a third. and a fourth. but now she has proved so completely irresponsible, i am compelled to post this.

My friend’s annoying girlfriend

You wouldn’t think it to look at her
Or perhaps you might,
Mosquito’s what some call her
And they might be right.

Distracting and annoying
From some other world
She doesn’t seem to fit in
In our little fold.

I wouldn’t say she’s emotional
Though it’s easy to make her cry-
She finds insults in the trivial
And is besotted with her guy.

She tries to prove she’s better
And busier than us.
Well, honey, your ego
Is nothing but a cloud of dust.

The ones who complain the loudest
Haven’t done the work.
They think this gives them the right
To mumble and to smirk.

But still we tolerate her
We try to not be rude.
I do it as a sister-
I do it for you,(humph) dude.

and to those who know who it is: don't spoil the fun by posting names please!


At 10:03 AM, Blogger glenn said...

LOL !! this is hilarious. its so cute. does your friend know you hate his girl so much ? im just curious.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger fedes said...

man! i don't think he'd actually do anything even if he did know, but i'd prefer to keep him in the dark!
i'm way too fond of the idiot to spoil his happiness.
so sweet, na?

At 2:10 PM, Blogger glenn said...

its a little wierd when you have that feeling of your friends not being too fond of your girl.

Im sure he knows that you guys despise her!! LOL

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Kari said...

ooohhhh y u not allowing me t be bitch??????LOL!!!!


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