some day i will leave this place.
do all young yearn to get away?
leave behind the status of pupae
burst out of the cocoon-fly away?
its not growing up that i desire
i'd rather be the phoenix out of the fire
renewed, refreshed, but underneath
just me, just the same old me.
the links of youth tie you down
no matter how old you may have grown.
maybe a nomad's life should be mine
no authority save my own mind.
is true freedom recognition of none
as supreme except the sun?
and can one truly cut off all ties
before one dies, before one dies?
by me
In some ways I can only be truly free among strangers. Then I don't have to be the 'me' everyone who knows me expects.
I can be whichever 'me' I feel like that day.
No expectations to live up to.
No family to honour.
No obedience owed.
No mask needed.
I guess when a person is able to be himself/herself even in the midst of the past... that's when that person can say that they are truly free.
wow! that sounds like something from paulo coelho's the zahir- extremely profound!
when you say place dyu mean geographically as well? or metaphorically ie. just this place in your life that your in?
and if geographically dyou want to leave and never come back? or dyu want go build knowledge/experience bank and return to live the bulk of your life here? i ask too many questions?
i mean it (place) in every way!
i wanna come back, to goa. but not back to immaturity, inexperience, may be to innocence.
questions are good-we aren't really encouraged to ask them in our stupid education system. i asked a professor of mine why psychology was a positive science at the beginning of the term-he still hasn't got back to me!
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